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Welcome to This Week In London Tweets. You can find us on Twitter at @twiltpodcast We livestream at during the show usually Mondays at 7pm edt. You can find old video archives of the show as well there. If you watch the livestream please considering subscribing and rating us. It does help! Guests Jesse Helmer Derek Silva […]

Welcome to This Week In London Tweets.

You can find us on Twitter at @twiltpodcast

We livestream at during the show usually Mondays at 7pm edt. You can find old video archives of the show as well there. If you watch the livestream please considering subscribing and rating us. It does help!


Jesse Helmer

Derek Silva




State of the City Address.

Developers don’t support SWA PLAN

by Johnathon Sher

They’re the biggest names among London developers, with a history of sometimes fighting it out among themselves.

But this time, they’ve joined against an unlikely foe — Mayor Joe Fontana’s gang of eight on city council.

London and St. Thomas association of realtors opposes Mayor Joe Fontana’s tax freeze

In a letter to Joe Fontana, the London and St. Thomas association of realtors calls his attempted tax freeze ill-advised and bad news for London.

“Zero percent is a false god, Mr. Mayor,” the letter says.

The association is focusing its dismay on the suggestion the city slash in half its $2-million annual payment into the affordable housing reserve fund “on the altar of a 0% tax increase.”

Emerging Leaders one of several groups speaking at public participation meeting on London’s 2013 budget – Chip MArtin

The long-term future for young Londoners isn’t especially bright if city hall sticks with a tax freeze in 2013, councillors will be told Monday.

Emerging Leaders, which works to attract and keep young talent in London, makes that argument in the first of several public participation meetings on the city’s 2013 budget.

Novel idea Wins Support

Chip MArtin

A city councillor is suggesting city hall could be treated as a charity case by people with spare money.

Coun. Dale Henderson has come up with an idea to appease Londoners opposed to a property tax freeze out of concern for London’s less fortunate.

They can donate to city hall on their tax bill and designate it for food or for homelessness or affordable housing, he suggested, getting a charitable tax receipt in return.

Windsor allows donations.

Mental illness calls cost LPS 12 in 2012 says Chief Duncan

LTC Bus People.


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