Welcome to episode #154. On the show: Spindle brings payments to K-Cups in the office; Mozilla launches an open source location service; Tide tries to DOOH up their Halloween Vines; Aptilo launches ad-supported free WiFi in Peru; ESRI's Geography of Horror; Google maps Arlington National Cemetery; Yihaodian launches 1000 augmented reality stores. Plus, our resource of the week looks at cross screen as the new "mobile first"; The app of the week is Findery; Our mobile minute featuring Chuck Martin explores the in-store opportunity and our special guest is Pete Erickson, founder of Modev and Disruptathon.


Full show notes can be found here: (http://untether.tv/2013/this-week-in-location-based-marketing-154-all-your-locations-are-belonging-to-us/)