On PopHealth Week our guest on PopHealth Week is David Klebonis, Chief Operating Officer of Palm Beach ACO.

High performing and low revenue ACO Chief Operating Office David Klebonis weighs in on accountable care and Palm Beach ACOs strategic glidepath

David Klebonis serves as Chief Operating Officer, for both the Palm Beach Accountable Care Organization and the South Florida Accountable Care Organization'. 

'Recruited as part of the original executive team, David helped lead PBACO and its affiliates to save Medicare $45.2M in performance year 1. In performance year 2, PBACO increased savings by an additional 9.8% per beneficiary while improving quality by an average of 13.5% per measure. He currently leads ACO operations including government rules and opportunities, network development, clinical programs and outcome based contracts. Prior to joining PBACO, David was president of Medical Insight Partners, an EHR reseller and healthcare business and technology consulting company. His team specialized in helping physicians maximize their income through implementing technology, achieving government and payer incentives and optimizing workflow.'

More about Palm Beach ACO (PBACO)

PBACO is a wholly physician-owned and operated organization. According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services entities like PBACO perform better (both cost reduction and care of care) than 'institiionally led' ACOs where a hospital or health system serves as parent or general partner of enterprise directing the mission of the organization. Recently characterized a 'low revenue' vs. 'high revenue' performaing participants in the ACO program whether as MSSP, NextGen or Advanced Payment Models, physician driven ACOs seem to be outperforming the group.

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