Pixel 5 Rumors, TikTok Drama, DOJ vs Google

Pixel 5 coming September 30th. Here's what to expect.
Is the Pixel 5 the last Pixel phone?
The TikTok saga continues. First Amendment battles, Chinese recalcitrance, and the worst possible deal
US DOJ is going after Google. What will they focus on?
What trackers should we be afraid of?
How can the left and the right come together, and how can tech help?
Is the Pixelbook dead? What should we buy instead?
Why Google+ Died
China's 100-year plan vs America's new plan every week
Can you find the cat?
Casey Newton leaves The Verge - is this another harbinger of the coming federation of media?
Quibi is up for sale
The IG Nobel Awards

Leo's Tool: Blacklight – The Markup
Leo's Tool 2: The Ultimate Techade Quiz
Mike's Thing: Scrolldit
Jeff's Number: Old TV caused village broadband outages for 18 months
Jeff's Number 2: In Memorium: Wes Thorp
Ant's Stuff: Canon Webcam Utility Out of Beta for Windows Users
Ant's Stuff 2: Adobe Max Speakers Announced

Hosts: Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, and Ant Pruitt

Guest: Mike Elgan

Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-google.


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