Salesforce buys Slack, Amazon hiring spree, Microsoft and workplace surveillance

Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
The latest word on Tony Hsieh.
Amazon looking to buy Wondery.
Salesforce is acquiring Slack.
Amazon is hiring like crazy.
Amazon is in trouble with a workers union.
Inspiring kids to follow their passion.
Google Authenticator for iOS gets a big upgrade.
Google Health tool can plan for your medical visits.
Google is shutting down Poly, we hardly knew ye.
Winners of Google's Best of Play Awards 2020.
Learn how to learn.
Googe's gift guide monitors trending items.
The Biden's dogs have a Twitter account.
President Trump has a plan to end Section 230.
Microsoft feature is a workplace surveillance tool.
American's aren't OK with phone tracking.
The top TikTok videos of 2020.

Picks of the week:
Stacey: OLLIVAN Plant Monitor.
Jeff: Captcha can tell if you are American.
Ant: Some good audiobooks to fall asleep to.
Leo: Deepmind AI is accelerating drug discovery.

Hosts: Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, Stacey Higginbotham, and Ant Pruitt

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