Bad Pixel 5 Reviews, Kitchen Tech, Facebook Can't Fix Itself

Pixel 5 reviews are pretty negative, especially of the camera - should we get an iPhone 12 instead?
5G is the WIMAX of 2020. Watch this 5G Supercut!
5G will be a big deal sometime. It just isn't now.
Google vs Oracle amicus briefs for sale
Google's Search On live event is barely news. We'd rather be at the Smart Kitchen Summit
Smart ovens and other food tech
It all comes back to Gutenberg
Google Changelog: tighten your shoelaces with OK Google | Android is listening | storytelling smart screens | 6 new things you can do with Android 11 | RIP Play Music Store | - amplifies Black voices
Nvidia's super new Zoom features
The Gartner Hype Cycle and the Trough of Disillusionment
Google gives the police your search keywords
Google employees can't say antitrust
Google is firing workers and shipping work off to Poland
Why Facebook can't fix itself
Facebook takes down erroneous NY Post article about Hunter Biden
Clarence Thomas wants to scale back Section 230
Writing directly into the CMS is Chaotic Evil
All airline pilots try to sound like Chuck Yeager, who went to school with Jeff Jarvis' dad

Picks of the Week
Leo's Tool: Johns Hopkins Poker Course
Stacey's Thing: Chef IQ
Jeff's Number: Bletchley Park gets $1m donation from FB
Jeff's Number 2: Jeff's Scoop Awards keynote
Ant's Stuff: OWC Mercury Extreme Pro 6G SSDs - (affiliate link)
Ant's Stuff 2: It's Not WHAT You Say

Hosts: Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, Stacey Higginbotham, and Ant Pruitt

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