California is Burning, Android 11, Chip IoT Standard

California Fires: Götterdämmerung in real life
Android 11 Update - get all your messages in one place
Phone screens of the Future: Projectors and Glasses
Glob: Your phone will convey who you are to the world
Android 11 permissions auto reset
Leo tries not to lose his faith in technology
Chip: Apple, Amazon, and Google create an IoT standard
Playing Doom on a Pregnancy Test
Will Chip solve Leo's IoT Nightmare?
Steve Gibson's IoT security solution- trust nothing
IoT Security Cage Match!
NextDNS protects Leo from malware - Comcast does this as well
Google is tracking you and using that data to recommend you videos
YouTube's algorithm is better than Amazon's
The new emojis are here!
Yellow Pages rathole
If you need consent on YouTube, tweet about it
Stanford Cable TV News Analyser
Amazon bans foreign sales of plants
Amazon's fake reviews - use Fakespot
Amazon is the world's biggest pyramid scheme
Snowflake is the hot new company
Microsoft wins JEDI: Jeff Bezos is Sithed off
Should Woodward have saved the COVID tapes?
Google Changelog: Verified Calls | Carnac the Magnificent | Google Podcasts adds Cast button

Leo's Tool: Trader Joes Cacio e Pepe
Stacey's Thing: IFFFT Pro
Jeff's Number: The Sit-In - Harry Belafonte hosts the Tonight Show
Ant's Stuff: Clean HDMI-Out On Your Mobile Phone with Filmic Pro
Karsten's Mask: 3M TEKK Protection Full Face Respirator

Hosts: Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, Stacey Higginbotham, and Ant Pruitt

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