This week, Sam and Sarah talk about the latest news and some events to look forward to, with big stories from all over the United States. Big Tobacco companies are being forced to run ads admitting they misled the public about tobacco’s harms, and educating people on the harms of cigarette smoking. Meanwhile, people in […]

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This week, Sam and Sarah talk about the latest news and some events to look forward to, with big stories from all over the United States. Big Tobacco companies are being forced to run ads admitting they misled the public about tobacco’s harms, and educating people on the harms of cigarette smoking. Meanwhile, people in Springfield Ohio are trying to get the city to charge people who overdose, which would violate the state’s existing Good Samaritan law – which has some of its own problems. A New Jersey police officer is under investigation for failing to calibrate breathalyzers, which has put tens of thousands of DUI convictions back into question. And finally, a judge in Tennessee has been offering to reduce convicts’ sentences if they agree to be sterilized, which is made even worse because of the state’s harsh drug laws.

News Updates:

Big Tobacco to begin running court-mandated mea culpa ads
Nearly 10,000 sign Springfield, OH petition to charge people who overdose
20,000 New Jersey drivers convicted of DUI could have their cases appealed

Discovered via FreeThoughtProject

Tennessee judge reprimanded for offering reduced jail time in exchange for sterilization


The Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission has announced that it plans to file initial regulations by December 29, just over a month away. Final regulations must be in place by March 15, so the CCC is working hard to get the first draft out so there is time for public comment and revisions.
In response to the United States’ renewed campaign of attacking opium factories, Afghan farmers are concerned the policy will harm impoverished farmers and locals more than the Taliban. One farmer told Reuters, “Farmers are not growing poppies for fun. If factories are closed and businesses are gone, then how will they provide food for their families?”
An Ohio man, who was found guilty of drug distribution after selling fentanyl to a 17-year-old who fatally overdosed, has been ordered to pay $9,000 to the family to cover the teen’s funeral costs as part of his sentencing, which also includes over 16 years in prison.
On Monday, the Seattle City Council approved a budget for 2018 that allocates $1.3 million for a supervised injection site in the city.


This Friday, December 1, is World AIDS Day.
On Thursday, December 7, the Oklahoma Watch will host a public forum on “The Marijuana Question” where panelists will discuss the possibility of legalizing medical marijuana in the 2018 election.


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Music Credits:

Intro: Dance for Sport by the2ba

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