ROBERT WHEEL returns for more mid-term election thinking and: Ted Cruz's relentless "Sexy Beto" ads ... The wave phenomenon is reversing of 2010 ... Will there be a surprise surge of unreliable voters? ... College-educated voter GOP exhaustion ... The 2016 anxiety hangover, the Parkland kids, miscellany constituencies ... The Florida Gubernatorial Primary ... Graham coasted ... Bob Graham nostalgia ... Gillum and the power of showing up ... Walkin' Lawton nostalgia ... Decades of Florida Democratic thin-slicing white undecideds ... Strip-mall charter school ... Florida Dems: Run FOR something ... Have a PERSONALITY ... POC candidates don't have to prove wokeness so hard ... Gillum and whan an FBI investigation means today ... Hell, our current governor's corrupt ... Howdy Doody-Looking Motherf*cker Adam Putnam ... Florida's concealed-carry background check controversy ... Racist meathead Ron DeSantis ... Only Trump can be Trump ... Too smart to play dumb ... Total "Amos and Andy" level dog-whistlin' robocalls ... Bill Nelson: space man, slow man, beige man ... Meaningless polls so far ... Scott, extremely lucky and rich, still a bad candidate ... Rick Scott's Jungian repulsiveness ... The Republicans! ... Running against Obama and railroading Florida ...  Can't run on/not-on Trump ... Nixon Now, Nixon in 1962 ... Not enough money, not enough digital ... Destroyed Cuomo 4 Prez 4 Ever ... A dyspeptic man ... Cuomo edged endorsements with future primary influence ... Nixon in the House ... Herbert the Masturbator in 2020 ... CLICK HERE FOR BOBBY'S COLUMN • MUSIC: Muddy Waters' "Deep Down in Florida" • Donald Fagen "Florida Room" • Deadmau5 "A City in Florida" • Camper Van Beethoven "When I Win The Lottery" • Ted Leo "Can't Go Back"