KEITH BUCKLEY presents Hallmark's Lucky in Love (2014), with Jeb Lund, David Roth and guest Jessie Opoien, for: April Fool's bona fides ... Jessie's slide into Hallmark fandom ... Dave's "Lucky in Love" meet-cute ... Plot in 60 Seconds ... Good "Hallmark bad" ... Inventing MySpace ... Land without contact info ... Proto-MRA: "I love you, children's-book pig" ... Elevator pitch the woo ... Spot the Angel! ... Kushner sighting ... Eat Your Heart Out: Men you have known, fondue you have missed, 50 Shades jokes you saw ... The Fishhook ... White Lotus: It'll Take A Tad Longer Than A Burger™ ... Expanded Universe ... Overdetermined ... Dad-Brain Meets Chocho Binco ... April Fool's Bechdel Test ... Whoa! Partner Chat: Anti-Canadian racism and Kate's love ... The expanding/entrangening Hallmark roster ... Gallimaufry! ... Two tickets to country paradise ... CLIP: "I have no secrets from you, Mira. None." ... Gender wokeness ... Literal elevator pitch ... Hire us as professional Hallmark Accidental Menace detectors ... Leadership thinking in the business office ... Bad pun. MUSIC: "Fuck You If You Don't Like Christmas" and "If U Want It" by Crudbump; "Sentimental Journey" by Esquivel; "Pablo Picasso" by Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers, performed by The Burning Sensations; all other music by Chris Collingwood of Look Park and Fountains of Wayne.