Before we start, feel free to support the podcast if you’ve been listening for a while by signing up for my Patreon for $1 and I will love you forever.

Baby Gopal was fronted by Australian-born singer/guitarist Sri Kesava the band fused Hari Krishna dogma laced lyrics with a meld of hardcore and pop-punk to astonishing results. The music is endlessly catchy and Sri‘s beautiful voice will keep you captivated like a siren from wire to wire. This amazing album was sadly overlooked in 1996 because of another similar “girl power” band that was already ripping up the charts. You might have heard of them, No Doubt anyone? They later signed to Tommy Boy in 1998 before breaking up shortly thereafter.

Shot out to Casey Iodine for the intro

I got Alex on the Skype and this is what we chat about:

Playing in Kingpin Playing in Shelter How he got involved in Baby Gopal How was it seen that Shelter made money off the band What happened with him and Shri How he got into recording bands Out of Band Experience Stickers in Boston American Nightmare Why they had to change their name Touring with them in 2022 And a ton more

If you want to record your band in all-analog studio in Medford, MA then check out Alex’s studio Mystic Valley Studio.

Check out my new book The Couples' Checklist for my webcomic dailyBred. It's a great gift for Valentine's Day. I also have an Instagram for it.

If you market aggressively on Instagram Stories and want custom stickers then go here to get custom stickers or just email [email protected] and I can send you samples. These are great for B2C companies and Realtors.

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Or go to to possibly buy some merch.