Do you spend your days feeling subpar, anxious or both? Does your doctor hand out antibiotics and antidepressants like blow jobs in a brothel?

Traditional "Rockerfeller" medicine is at best completely ignorant to the effects of poor diet, environmental poisoning, natural cures and the gut microbiome and at worst has purposefully omitted those things from public discourse altogether.

John Brisson (fresh from his appearances on The HigherSide Chats and Grimerica) is a champion of the New Health Movement, and a pioneer in research on the gut (and Brain) microbiome. John sets out on how balancing our bacteria along with getting the right amount of sunshine, vitamins and minerals plus exposure to mother nature can drastically improve our health and wellbeing.

His own story is one of "taking control" in the face of adversity and tragedy, and here he shows us how we can do the same!

Check out Johns website and book "Fix Your Gut" for more detailed informatio. You can also request "one on one" consultations with the man himself!
Whether your fighting a common cold, cancer or collitis - John Brisson - and the information contained in this podcast will inspire you to look at the alternatives as we attempt to lift the lid on this health conspiracy thats plagued humanity for nigh on a century!

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