This Strange Life Podcast Hangout #4 31/05/2018 

Is Google X trying control our brains by tapping into our Selfish Gene with decision-making prompts? Or is this just another nefarious conspiracy theory? Time will tell if this is going to be another one life's unsolved mysteries or not, but the boys give their opinions anyway. 

Do UK Muslim rape gangs really exist or are they just another "conspiracy theory" too? The UK government, police force and mainstream media would have you believe we are all conspiracy theory nuts, but the truth is often stranger than fiction. Why did they cover up up thousands of rapes of English girls, some as young as 10 years old, for two decades? How has political correctness played a role? And is it really a conspiracy theory to suggest that the UK is quickly becoming a draconian police state? 

Tommy Robinson -- hero or villain? He's a former leader of the far-right EDL. He's been villainized by the UK authorities and media, and jailed twice for minor offences. But has he reformed? Is it a conspiracy theory, like authorities would suggest, to say Tommy has put his life on the line by exposing the complicity and hypocrisy of the UK police and media cover-up of thousands of rape cases by Muslim rape gangs? 

What does Tommy Robinson's recent arrest, trial and imprisonment -- in just 4-hours -- mean to us? Should we protect Tommy's freedom of speech or not? Or is this all just another conspiracy theory and everything is fine in the land of progressive mutliculturalism with no over-reaching police state powers as the media would lead us to believe? The boys discuss this "conspiracy theory". They also dive into why Tommy Robinson transition into an independent journalist, the sacrifices he makes each day, and how he's putting his life at risk by reluctantly filling the void left by the mainstream media's refusal to report on the dangers of Islamists in the UK. 

The boys also do some quick-takes on: 

Quick Take 1: A recent article from The Independent that suggested millennial's are lost without emoji's. Can it be true? Is it conspiracy theory? Or is this just another piece of sloppy piece of clickbait "journalism"? 
Quick Take 2: The boys also ponder on how long it would take you to notice that the cute puppy you just bought was a black bear. 
Quick Take 3: Why is Elon Musk boring? The boys ask why he's drilling test tunnels under his Boring Company name to prototype drilling technologies and Hyperloop, Musk's vision of a modern mass-transit system that shoots people and cars at speeds up to 400 km/h through a network of tunnels. 

Join in the conversation with Mickey and Willy, in the official chatroom: 

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