It’s episode 27 of THIS STRANGE LIFE and the boys are back today with another hangout. Topics today include the death of a Chuckle Brother (a childhood favorite of Mickey and Jimmy), Conor Mcgregor vs Khabib, are children being trafficked for sex underground in the Americas national parks aka Droop Mountain Tunnels conspiracy, and scientists discovering a brand new shape!!

We go in depth on the Sarah Jeong & New York Times racism outrage. Can people of color be racist to white people? Should Sarah be fired?

Willy brings up Peter Thiel and his view on technology and innovation. Thiel posits that we have slowed down our innovation in the 21st century compared to the 20th. The boys ponder whether thats true. We also get into his wild lawsuit with Hulk Hogan and Gawker

To close it out, Mickey pulls out another edition of ‘He stuck WHAT where?!’

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Zest coin — — Charity-focused masternodes

Nextpakk — — solving last mile delivery

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