Episode 25 of This Strange Life is live! We’ve got a brief hangout today and we are talking all about the peculiar last interview that Anthony Bourdain gave and some of his interesting quotes about the Clintons and Weinstein. Mickey goes on to bring up has favorite plus size Instagram model GlitterandLazers — Willy and Jimmy give their take that this may just be a form of virtue signaling.

We then dig in on Russian bots, Trump and the homeless/human-shit-on-the-street problem in San Francisco before digging into some current events. Most notably, Italian researchers finding a lake on Mars. Is it real or are they just looking for more funding?

To round it out, Mike talks about getting a face tattoo, then we consider what life might be like for asexual people. Last but not least we finish off the show with another edition of “He put WHAT WHERE?!”.
