Starting 2020, the world more or less entirely moved online. And for most of us, we check emails in the same system as we browse Twitter or conduct transactions. The same system has multiple personal and professional data stocked up and all of this lies at a huge risk of being wiped out in a single click. You read that right. Remember those lottery emails that gave us joy for precisely one second before our rationale kicked in? Or a random call asking for OTP? If this is the case on an individual level, imagine the risk on an organizational level. We have heard of apps that collect personal information of individuals signing up on their platform, having their data leaked into the open web. There have been cases where huge servers are broken into by hackers and data has been 'kidnapped' so to speak with an amount asked for as ransom in exchange. And now with just every service finding online presence, there is a need for cybersecurity experts, managers, and portals that address issues that are beyond the usual antivirus. One such company is Sequretek and we have its co-founder and CEO, Pankit Desai on the show. He talks about how an organization is made of People, Processes, and Technology. If people stay vigilant and put processes in place; if processes are followed with the help of technical aid, and if technology is guarded well by the people, the circle is a fortress that no malware can conquer. So if you want a rundown of how to have a safe presence online, tune in!Some links to understand this better: 1. ABIDE EXPLAINED: CYBER ATTACKERS ARE HUMAN: ONLINE SAFETY FOR KIDS: the Sequretek website: Pankit on LinkedIn at can follow Gauri on Instagram: @gauridevidayal can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: IVM Podcasts - Apps on Google Play or iOS: ‎IVM Podcasts, or any other podcast app.You can check out our website at