Not every product is a brand but can be. For that, the business must think like its target audience and offer them a piece of their personality as well. People not only look for quality and/or quantity but also how does it add value and flavour to their lives? Old school branding would bank on just quality but with multiple players, there needs to be something that stands out. Also, businesses need to keep a tab on trends and evolve along with the customer to stay relevant. And to help with that, we have multiple agencies offering solutions to various business problems and our guest for the episode belongs to one of the best of them with a beautiful message of how these agencies can be an extension of the client, and that a sense of co-build and ownership can create magic!Please welcome, Shreya Soni, founder of DSSC- Delhi Secret Supper Club who ran the agency in incognito mode for 4 years which is now a full-fledged brand and marketing solutions agency based in Delhi. They help business identify a purpose, understand the story behind it, and carefully roll all these into a consumer-friendly strategy that adds value to both the stakeholders. She is a DU and Warwick alumni, with work values learnt at EY London, and now the person behind success stories of brands like Uber, Microsoft, DLF, AirBnB, and Audible. Find DSSC at can find Shreya on Instagram @shreya__soni Twitter: @Shreya_Soni_ can follow Gauri on Instagram: @gauridevidayal can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: or iOS:, or any other podcast app.You can check out our website at

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