It's now well established that the global pandemic is destined to change the DNA of a lot of industries - the hospitality industry being one of the hardest hit. This has been a heavy blow for restaurateurs around the world, many of whom have had to make the difficult choice of closing down spaces that they've built with so much love.
For those still in survival mode, life will probably never be the same again. Hence, restauranteurs are all asking the same question - what will a post-coronavirus restaurant business look like?

On this episode of This Round Is On Me, Gauri Devidayal is joined by Mary Sue Milliken, American chef and restauranteur. Mary Sue has had a 40 year long career in F&B, which includes a James Beard Award, several restaurants, cookbooks, and radio and TV shows. She is best known for her Latin inspired restaurants called Border Grill with her long term business partner Susan Feniger.

Gauri and Mary Sue talk about what the last few months have been like for them, opening restaurants just before the lockdown, what their impressions are for the future of restaurants, and tons more! Tune in for a truly insightful conversation about the hospitality space during the age of corona.

Follow Mary on Twitter & Instagram @MarySueMilliken

You can reach out to and follow Gauri @gdevidayal on Instagram / @gauridetails on Twitter.

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