I have a wonderfully open and wide chat with accomplished travel photographer & photography instructor Karen Hutton, a wonderful ray of light in the photographic community and was a pleasure to have time with her! :) 

In part 1 of this 2 part chat, plenty of photo & life threads of discussion including structure vs. chaos, practice, finding knowledge, and critiques among other topics.



Karen's website: http://karenhutton.com

Karen on Instagram: http://instagram.com/karenhutton

Andy's website: http://andymcsweeney.com

Andy on Youtube: http://youtube.com/andymcphoto

Andy's Instagram: http://instagram.com/andymcphoto

Photo Tour Brugge: www.phototourbrugge.com Use the promo code "thisphotolife" on checkout for -15%.

DJ Biaz: www.soundcloud.com/biaz and/or www.bandcamp.com/biaz

Questions and comments: [email protected]