I recently discovered Miki Ash through Instagram and immediately connected with her frequency based on her stories and her feed. When I found out that she was only about a 2 hour drive from me I asked if she wanted to come on my podcast as a guest, she of course agreed so sweetly. Every interaction I've had with her has been loving. I'm glad I got to connect with her in person rather than zoom like I have been with most guests since COVID began. p.s. we had some mary jane before we started. I've gotten some feedback from others that knowing we're high changes the whole experience so I figured I'd put that out there.

Some things we get into:

Selling most of her belongings, jumping off the cliff and traveling for a year intuitively How she became a yoga instructor Not being the “typical” 17-18 year old Her upbringing Looking within Becoming a conscious human being Following your intuition rather than the “logical” mind Growing up in LA Her rockbottoms Getting out of victim mentality and stepping into your worth & power Getting out of ruts Intentional living Going against the current of society Making careers through social media Living in Texas She teaches me about “Golden Year” Meditation & Mindfulness Programming and conditioning within society Feeling your emotions and being vulnerable Unlearning what we have learned Collecting pieces Her experience in Tulum Getting out of your comfort zone Awareness Limiting beliefs Listening to my intuition in Morocco Wanting to live on open land and growing our own food

Follow her on: @mikiash
Website: www.mikiash.com