**there's a few moments of silence at some point in the beginning as she was shifting her phone :) I like to keep things organic and authentic so I don't edit anything out**

I met Elyse through Lacy's To Be Magnetic group and we connected over zoom to chat about our process and experiences with The Pathway. We connected so well that I asked her to be on my podcast. She has an instagram @qs.toself where she shares questions that we should be asking ourselves so I asked her to pick some that we can go over during the recording.

Things we get into:

the importance of asking yourself questions and being introspective self-limiting beliefs Lacy Philip's "The Pathway" being a projector in Human Design being a people pleaser self-worth holding space for yourself connecting with my angels and guides how I activate my chakras getting expanded one of the lowest points of my life while having low self-worth in a relationship her experience having low self-worth in her past relationships working on programming and conditioning Joe Dispenza society having fear around being vulnerable energy talking to, hugging plants, and grounding practicing gratitude self-healing

IG: @elyseisebia