Its E3 time everyone, and your favourite podcast is primed and ready! This week, Bally and Nbz both talk about games that have been mentioned before, but deserve some more time in the spotlight. Bally has continued to plough his way through both Star Fox Zero & Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright, while Nbz returns to his 2 favourite games from last year with the definitive edition of Ori & The Blind Forest and the Blood & Wine expansion for The Witcher 3! After the break we have an extended predictions segment, detailing all our thoughts on what we might see from Nintendo at the show, and also discuss some predictions that you sent us via e-mail. E3 is coming, so be sure to keep your eyes open for another podcast this Tuesday, when we will return with our E3 special to break down all the news about Zelda! Remember to send all your correspondence to our E-mail Address: [email protected]