It is finally here everyone, the beginning of our GOTY content! But before we get to that juicy stuff, we kick things off with the games we've been playing recently, and BOY have we been playing a lot. Bally blasted his way through indie puzzle game, The Swapper and has also been hanging out on the high speed tracks of the latest e-shop darling, Fast Racing Neo! Nbz has also been playing some Fast Racing Neo but also managed to finish up Axiom Verge! We have both been playing Xenoblade Chronicles X to differing degrees and we give you our first impressions of Nintendo's holiday blockbuster. Its a long RPG, so expect us to continue talking about it for a while! After the break we return with some of your top 10 lists, before jumping into a break down of our own "top games that we played this year but didn't actually come out this year." Remember to send all your correspondence to our E-mail Address: [email protected]