Previous Episode: Episode 50
Next Episode: Episode 52

Hey guys and welcome back to the show! This week we return to our usual schedule and kick things off with the games we've been playing. Having moved country between episodes, Bally has his trusty 3DS in tow and has been playing a little bit of OlliOlli and a good amount of Fire Emblem: Awakening. Needless to say he is quite impressed with the latter! Both Nbz and Bally had a quick chance to check out the Triforce Heroes demo and talk about some worries regarding the online infrastructure. Nbz has been engulfed into open worlds recently and talks about his 40 hours (and counting) of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, as well as his return to the world of The Witcher 3, with the new DLC! After the break we answer some of your e-mails, before closing out the show with a discussion of recent news events, including NX development kits and Twilight Princess HD! Remember to send all your correspondence to our E-mail Address: [email protected]