Hey everyone! It has finally come back around as we have hit another milestone with Episode 150! You know what that means! But first we have some new games to talk about. Bally closes out thoughts on Pokemon Sun, a game which has haunted him for years. He also checks back in with 20 hours of Fire Emblem progress and is getting to grips with it. Nbz meanwhile has unexpectedly been playing another recent Switch release - Dragon Quest Builders 2, as well as dipping into Game Pass on PC with Sunset Overdrive! After the break it is time to rank the best Nintendo games of all time in a big old list! We debate, make deals and backstab each other in our quest to create a list of the Top 50 Games of All Time on Nintendo platforms! This is a behemoth, so thanks for listening if you make it all the way through! Thanks for sticking with us all these years, and here is to 150 more!