Sofia Haq was born and raised in Southern California to a Pakistani and Arab father and Mexican and Spanish mother. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies from UCLA in 2015 and participated in an International Business study abroad program at The London School of Economics and Political Science. In 2018, she graduated from the Riordan MBA Fellows and Forté Foundation MBALauncher programs and now serves as an Alumni Volunteer at Forté, College to Career Mentor at the Riordan Programs, and Co-Director of Riordan Affairs at RPAA Board of Directors.  


Currently, Haq is a Marketing Consultant, Lead Experiential Learning Educator at Pathways Travels, and Founder of Muslim Women Professionals (MWP). MWP is an organization that promotes professional development for Muslim women. MWP promotes empowerment amongst women by educating, uplifting, and mobilizing a global network. Haq wants to create spaces where Muslim women are inspired to thrive in both their personal and professional lives, build allies, unite as a community, and combat islamophobia.


She is an advocate for diversity amongst women and people of color in executive spaces, wants to be an executive in the fashion industry, continue her work at MWP, and promote other philanthropic work.