Chad Daniels aka Dad Chaniels has raised three kids and he’s around my age. Seriously. I’m just getting started, and he’s retired lol. Chad had ‘em young, and moved to a place he could afford to raise them (aka NOT NYC or LA). Long story short, it worked out. Chad has a massive, rapid fan base who eat up anything he puts out. I’ve rarely had a better reaction than when I announced he was coming on the show. An added plus is that he’s an old friend and a peach of a man. We two dads had a blast on this one. 


1) a man asks Chad and me, “How do you choose what to repair on your car/house/etc, and what you hire someone to fix?” 

2) Erica, since she was a little girl, has been called Eric by others. WTF to do? 

3) Jackson, a fellow dad, asks, “What’s your opinion on imposter syndrome, as a creative?” 

4) John asks, “COULD YOU GUYS SING MY WIFE HAPPY BIRTHDAY?” Do we do it?? Listen and find out, Mightys! And please, do yourself a favor, go see Chad if he comes to your town.

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New episodes arrive every Thursday via The Laugh Button.

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