Comedian Pete Lee and I always see each other in the bathroom. The comedy club bathroom, that is. Every time one of us is on the road, and taking a leak, we see each other’s faces in the “upcoming comedians” ads the clubs place above the urinals. It’s a real honor. Pete is super funny, and a super nice guy, BUT WE’VE NEVER ACTUALLY HUNG OUT! This episode was an awesome one, because I got to know somebody I felt like I already knew, but didn’t. Turns out he’s more than a smiling face above the pisser. Who knew?!


1) Michelle from Morro Bay, California has a hilarious question. LISTEN TO FIND OUT WHAT IT IS!

2) A heavy-drinkin’ fan wants to know, HOW DOES HE CUT DOWN?

3) A guy who’s about to lose his job asks, HOW DO I MAINTAIN COMPOSURE AND NOT FREAK OUT? Thanks, Mightys! You are the wind beneath my wings of silly. Enjoy.

Call Matt and ask a question 323-763-0228

New episodes arrive every Thursday via The Laugh Button.

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