Esther Tsang is a freelance food writer who I am a fan of, but didn’t know. That’s changed, as after this episode we agreed to go eat/grab a drink when Covid blows over. We had a ton of fun on this ep, and I’m so glad I randomly reached out over Twitter. Ah, Twitter, you’re so relaxing and helpful! Always! Jokes aside, check out this ep because Esther is very deep, very smart, and an absolute stitch. Side note: This episode was recorded inside a definitely haunted house built in the 1800s in Providence, Rhode Island, so you might hear a ghost or two.


1) A man broke up with his lady and is having doubts. Should he reach out? Go back? (Spoiler for context: I have gone back, Esther NEVER HAS),

2) A lady (with no agenda, I’m sure) asks where the best place to sneak into Canada is (Spoiler again: Esther knows exactly where to)

3) A non-binary stand-up asks if they should speak their truth or hide it in the hopes of not ruffling feathers, getting ahead, etc. Listen for our answers and give your own! Subscribe, rate, tell your friends and more.

Thanks, Mightys.

New episodes of This Might Help arrive every Thursday via The Laugh Button

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