We’re joined by Aaron Benanav, author of Automation and the Future of Work, to discuss his excellent and necessary analysis of what the automation discourse gets wrong, the economic history that has led us to where we are now, and the science fiction and utopian ideas that should inspire a post-scarcity world—a world which is not only possible but necessary.

Grab a copy of Aaron’s book: https://www.versobooks.com/books/3717-automation-and-the-future-of-work and follow him on twitter: https://twitter.com/abenanav

Subscribe to TMK on patreon for access to premium episodes every week! https://www.patreon.com/thismachinekills

Hosted by Jathan Sadowski (twitter.com/jathansadowski) and Edward Ongweso Jr. (twitter.com/bigblackjacobin). Production / Music by Jereme Brown (twitter.com/braunestahl).

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