Sarah Walsh is a comedian, visual artist, and creator from Newfoundland who hosts The Odd Ends.

Sarah Walsh is a comedian, visual artist, and creator from Newfoundland.
She hosts a show called The Odd
, cataloging unusual ways to

Sarah and Michael talk about awkward enthusiasm, undiagnosed ADHD, stage
fright, the weirdness of aging, and learning how to give less of a fuck.

Sarah’s Five Songs.

Wannabe by The Spice
Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on
by Nirvana.
Monkey’s Gone To Heaven by
California by Liz Phair.
Oh! You Pretty Things by
David Bowie.

Show Notes.

The Odd Ends on Instagram and

The Moffats’ largest Canadian hit, I’ll Be There For
[not the song from Friends].

Spice Girls tooth-destroying bubblegum.

Catch Mikey streaming on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday nights on
Megaphonic’s Twitch channel!

Support This Is Your Mixtape and all of
Megaphonic’s shows on Patreon. (Thanks!)

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