Ah, the age-old (well, 10ish years old) question… How do you get views on Instagram?

Maybe you’re just starting out on your ‘gram journey. Or maybe you’ve noticed your views have taken a dip post-holidays (this is very common, don’t panic). So what do you do? We’ll go into all this and more in this episode of This is Virginia Kerr.

I’m taking a deep dive into:

How Instagram actually works in terms of the algorithm Techniques to make your content stand out while retaining your sanity

A steady combination of planning within a framework of flexibility will ensure you are producing compelling content without getting burnt out.

Batching when you’re able to and/or scheduling dedicated times to post can go a long way in ensuring consistency and quality. Shaking it up in terms of the types of posts you're creating (lives, reels, stories, etc) go a long way in reaching different audiences as you connect through different ways.

And it’s not like you have to batch or keep that pace forever. This is not a linear process; you don’t have to maintain constant upward momentum. Because that’s unsustainable, and you will end up crying in a corner.

Let’s avoid this…

Tune in to the full episode for more tips on creating content to expand your reach on Instagram.

And, as always, don’t forget that your story and personality are what set you apart from everyone else in your industry. Don’t hold yourself back from sharing these gifts with the world!

If you listened to and enjoyed this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to Instagram and share it on your IG stories and tag me, @thisisvirginiakerr

For more information about the podcast, or to learn more about This is Video School, visit www.thisisvirginiakerr.com

I would love to connect with you more on social media! You can find me at:

Instagram: https://instagram.com/thisisvirginiakerr

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2572966429659470