How will the 2010s be remembered in Silicon Valley? So much happened - between the rise of Instagram, Facebook's dominance, Teslas everywhere, tech going from beloved to reviled... And the 2020s should bring even more fun. We have the return of two previous podcast guests - Molly Wood and Antonio Garcia Martinez - to discuss some of the decade's biggest milestones. 

We discuss whether the 2010s will be the decade that will be remembered for killing off love through dating apps. AGM and Molly talk about their own experiences both with dating apps and covering the whole concept of 'swipe dating' as journalists.

We discuss some of YouTube's most popular videos - including the streams of cabs from Russia. And Rebecca Black's Friday. We talk about the whole concept of celebrity in general in the 2010s and the short and long term effects on media. 

We make some predictions on what the largest companies in the world will be 10 years from now, and speculate on Facebook's position over that period. We talk about cultural artifacts of San Francisco and some popular trends. 

It was a short amount of time, but we did our best to cover as much ground as we could.