Perfect This Is Your Afterlife guest alert! Aaron Weaver is a comedian who's been thinking about spirituality maybe his whole life? He shares the tools he's picked up recently for being present and staying in his body. Those are buzzwords, but we get specific.

We also talk a lot about Aaron's friend, Kenny DeForest, an excellent comedian and amazing person who was killed by a car in December 2023 at age 37. It's brutal and senseless, and I'm grateful Aaron was so open in talking to me about Kenny and his influence on Aaron's life.

Content warning: comedy as detachment (vs. enjoyment), classic eyeball stuff, Kenny DeForest, men's groups, somatic experiencing, un-numbing, alligators with podcast ideas, Katt Williams' appearance on Club Shay Shay.

If you believe in This Is Your Afterlife and want fun bonus episodes, become a patron for $5 or $15/month at

Follow Aaron on Instagram @weavedreaming, and listen to his wonderful album, Cosmic Joke.

Follow Shamady, Aaron's spiritual comedy channel, @comedyfrombeyomedy on Instagram and YouTube.

You owe it to yourself to watch Kenny DeForest's newest special, Don't You Know Who I Am?

Follow me @thisisdavemaher on Instagram and Twitter.

And check out my other podcast, Genre Reveal Party!, where I analyze TV and movies with my friend, writer and cultural critic Madeline Lane-McKinley.


Music = Future: "Use Me" / James Blackshaw: "The Cloud of Unknowing" / Johnnie Frierson: "Miracles"

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