I talk to Em Gonzalez (Liberation Library, Chicago Abortion Fund) every day. They're a teacher, a transformative and restorative justice practitioner, a fierce abolitionist organizer, and one of my closest friends. So it was a distinct pleasure to have a different kind of conversation for the podcast. This is one of the most accessible political conversations I've ever had, examining abolition, accountability, and self-esteem through the lens of the Hot Bimbo Genius.

Content warning: amateur witchcraft, Florida Water, not getting dick jokes, wiping your feet on someone's towel, community accountability.

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Leave a voicemail, and I'll play it on the show: (313) MIST-URA (647-8872).

Follow Em on Twitter: @small_meatball

Learn more about and donate to Liberation Library and Chicago Abortion Fund.

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Transcript: This Is Your Afterlife on Podscribe

Music = Future: "Use Me" / James Blackshaw: "The Cloud of Unknowing" / Johnnie Frierson: "Miracles"

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