I'm joined today by Rebecca Wilson to talk about shamanic womb work, her kundalini awakening, energetic gifts and how the spiritual path of the feminine is about descending back into the body and to the earth.

Rebecca facilitates Shamanic Womb Healing & Rites Blessings. She is the Founder of Womb Connection- Healing- Awakening, which has been birthed from her personal journey of Womb Awakening.

Rebecca is a Womb Keeper, Womb Healer, Wise Womban, Spirit Baby & Birth Doula.

She holds a powerful Earth filled Medicine which naturally infuse all her work and offerings, she is deeply connected to nature and finds her inspiration within the elements Rebecca is a channel for the sacred energies of Divine Mother Frequency, connecting heaven on earth through the new earth templates and earth line grids she holds a healing transmission for the birth of the New Earth. 

On this episode we cover :

Menstrual cycle awareness/trackingKundalini awakeningThe descent of the feminine Shadow workBeing present in dark times Surrendering to griefHow our fears are rooted in the fear of deathThe death/rebirth cycleConscious conception and spirit babiesHealing ancestral trauma/limiting belief patternsSpiritual giftsThe energetics of this time on earth and navigating a collective traumaFeminine embodiment


To connect with Rebecca please visit 

Website - rebecca-wilson.com

Instagram - @rebecca_wilson_

Facebook - Rebecca Wilson Yoga

Rebeccas offerings :

Return to love online immersion

Conscious conception journey

Online womb circles


My new cyclical yoga platform is trustthemovement.com where you can sign up for a 7 day free trial

If you would like to reach out, you can contact me via [email protected]

Instagram @gina_torres @thisiswomanhood

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