"Get to tha choppa!" There were apparently some Predator, Alien(s), and maybe even an Ant-man reference in this week's episode of The Mandalorian. Chapter 11 was unanimously disliked by the hosts. It just wasn't their cup of bone broth.

The series went "horror" and brought some Ralph McQuarrie illustrations back from the original trilogy discard pile...that perhaps should have stayed there?  You'll get a brisk recap from the arachnophobes, sense the hosts searching for a way back from disappointment, and be reminded of all we still get to see according to the trailers.

Hey, we still love The Mandalorian here at This is the Way Podcast, but this was a definite "downer" of a week for Andy, Steve, and Tim.

This week, there's another watch along episode, but you'll have to head to twitch.tv/thisisthewaypod and check out the video on demand section. Join the discussion by finding our Twitter page @ThisistheWayPod and soon on Instagram, but you can always send us feedback at [email protected].

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