S4 E29: In this episode, Jayson Greene, author of Once More We Saw Stars; John Von Sothen, author of Monsieur Mediocre; and Raegan Moya-Jones, author of What It Takes. From processing a devastating personal tragedy, to drawing back the curtain on daily life in Paris, to building a big career out of an idea that originated at a kitchen table, these authors are able to reveal the powerful universalities we all share as a result of them each getting deeply personal about their own experiences. Plus, hear why the subway is one author’s favorite place to listen to everything.

Once More We Saw Stars by Jayson Greene: https://www.penguinrandomhouseaudio.com/book/558379/once-more-we-saw-stars/

Monsieur Mediocre by John von Sothen: https://www.penguinrandomhouseaudio.com/book/557160/monsieur-mediocre/

What It Takes by Raegan Moya-Jones: https://www.penguinrandomhouseaudio.com/book/550499/what-it-takes/