"My book is about adolescents—how they age, how they grow, and how they make decisions. Why do they do what seem like the most insane things at times? I wrote my book because I’ve always been really interested in the teenage years, and not only teens, but adolescence, that period of time from about 10,11,12 until about 25, 26,27, when we actually start to not only become, but act, like adults. Those years so many things change and we all remember those years in in our own lives so acutely, so intensely, just like it was yesterday. Well, it turns out there are a bunch of reasons why that is the case and we set a path for ourselves during those years that really forecasts our future…so much inevitably changes and predicts who we will become and how we will get there. And that is something that has fascinated me my entire life."

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