I saw Dr. B'atz on Democracy Now! a few weeks ago, and I KNEW I had to get this guy on the show.  On this podcast you'll hear us listen to a clip of him on the show and you'll see why.  He's doing some great work and exposing what's happening with Indigenous communities in Central America, with a focus on Guatemala.  A little about Giovanni:

Dr. Batz is a social anthropologist whose research interests include: extractivist industries and megaprojects in Latin America; Central American and Maya migration, displacement and diaspora; Guatemalan history; indigenous social movements; and human rights.

Batz was a 2018-2019 Anne Ray Fellow at the School for Advanced Research in Santa Fe, New Mexico where he began working on his book project entitled “The Fourth Invasion: Decolonial Histories, Megaprojects and Ixil Resistance in Guatemala”. The book is based on research conducted in Cotzal, Guatemala since 2011, where the arrival of megaprojects is referred to as a “new” invasion. Batz has also worked with Guatemalan-Maya youth in Los Angeles, as well as serving as a Research Assistant for a National Science Foundation funded project that analyzes the migration and deportation of K’iche’-Maya from Almolonga, Quetzaltenango


If you can help out the people of Guatemala every dollar goes A LONG WAY. You can donate here:


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