How often do you buy something online, and then you get hit with suggestions of other things you should purchase.  Most of us ignore this bid to separate us from our hard earned cash, but I was hit with a suggestion that piqued my interest.  It was a book called "Welcome to the Rebellion: A New Hope in Radical Politics".  A book about Star Wars, revolution, Marx, hope...WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE?


I read the book in about 3 days. Imagine my excitement when the author, Michael Harris agreed to be on the show? 


“The rebellion is all around us, and it is spreading. It is a struggle for freedom and democracy, and for peace and justice. In the face of multiplying crises, it is a rebellion that can no longer wait, and which will force us to take sides.”

“Star Wars doesn’t just depict a dystopian future but focuses on fighting it. It says that another galaxy is possible.”

“Empires have been defeated before, and they always fall eventually. We can choose to remain subjects of an empire in crisis and collapse, or to live and act as citizens of a new republic, one we create through our actions big and small, starting here and now.”
― Michael Harris, Welcome to the Rebellion: A New Hope in Radical Politics

Michael Harris is an independent writer and researcher who has worked in numerous sectors including education, technology, innovation, government, public services and urban planning. Most recently he has focused on planning for future trends, such as climate change, population growth, economic and technological disruption, and the collapse in trust in political institutions.

Michael's first book, on planning for today's biggest social challenges, was published by Routledge in May 2019. His second book, about political hope in the twenty-first century, will be published by Zero Books in June 2020. He is currently working on his third book, about survival in turbulent times.


Buy The Book Here:


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