For my birthday show I wanted to make it a little fun for this one.  If you've listened to the show for a while, you've heard comedian and good friend Chris Riggins on.  He had hit me up a while back to come to the studio to record a live stand up album. Before I botched that he wanted to do a podcast to warm up for the jokes.  Well, I'm his co-host and enjoy doing it.  We had fun, we did it with a very small audience.  Something that was a strange for me doing the show on stage, but it was fun.  

Also, the DNC is going on and I have a few choice words about that.

Donald Trump didn't create racism. He didn't create the idea of kids in cages. He didn't create the disgusting disparity between the military spending budget and what we spend on Public Health. That being said, I haven't seen a more clearer Lifetime Network movie version of politics in my soon to be 43 years of life. The Democratic Party should just be called the "We're Not Trump" party. They seem to be more than happy to simply be an opposition party than one that seeks to make real change. Many people I know are holding their nose once again at the ballot box, and some that have been newly radicalized during the Trump presidency are looking at other options or opting out altogether. Wherever you sit on the issue one thing is true, after Biden/Harris is elected the fight is not over.

COVID-19 and the horrible mishandling of the virus has laid bare all the systemic problems with our country that have exacerbated on a bipartisan level. A private healthcare system that ignores its most vulnerable. The lack of a living wage. Even before the pandemic hit, this country was looking at housing crisis that was leaving millions of Americans homeless and hungry. We have a government that would rather spend billions on a military machine than on its own people. And let's remember that military spending and forever wars is something that Obama and Bush, Jr. was a part of.

So I as stare at this photo, I see a screenshot of America. The America that is shown on nightly cable news broadcasts, and the America politicians sell us. I see the frustrated oppressed screaming to be heard, and I see the elites in fear of a real people powered uprising. The pundits will tell you that it's simply racial, but it's more than that. It's Amazon making billions during a time of crisis and not even bothering to keep the facilities clean that their workers risk their lives in. It's sites like this, Facebook making billions allowing actual fake news to spread like cancer throughout the body politic.

If a Biden/Harris administration is what we get come 2021, then we cannot stop fighting, pushing for the change we wanted when we thought we would get our more progressive choices. It's "We the People..." not "They the aristocracy...". A people powered movement can push the needle and get real results, real reform. People are already changing the conversation around law enforcement from one of "lock them up" to examining the need for armed officers to respond to mental health crisis. I am not happy with the Democratic Party, just as I am not happy with the Republican Party. Whomever is in office I will be critical, and I will continue to speak out. A Trump defeat in November is not the time to go back to brunch.


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