Nancy Pelosi has been in congressional office since 1987.  In her 33 years as a Congresswoman, she has not only become Speaker of the House, but she's become one of, if not the most powerful people in politics.  She's a firebrand in the #Resistance Democratic establishment.  As the Trump administration has been an utter disaster of a presidency, Pelosi has done an amazing job at being the figurehead of tepid opposition.  A master of political theater with sarcastic claps and dramatic speech ripping, but she hasn't been a stalwart for the people she was put in office to represent.  She has exemplified the Corporate, neoliberal Democrat that has dominated the party since the ascension of Bill Clinton.  


Finally, in 2018 Peolsi faced a strong challenge from her left.  An immigrant, and constitutional lawyer by the name of Shahid Buttar.  He was to be out New Hope. Buttar, a Democratic Socialist is running a truly progressive people funded campaign.  Like AOC,Jamaal Bowman and the many other progressive candidates, Buttar isn't taking any big corporate donations.  As of June 30th, he's raised over one million dollars.  The incumbent Pelosi has raised over 14 million dollars, not to mention the $87 millions she's helped raise for other establishment Democratic primary candidates.  Buttar understands the odds that are against him, and he's challenged the 33 year veteran to a debate.  She's ignored his attempts to go head to head.  Just last month Pelosi's debate dodging against Buttar garnered front page attention from the San Francisco Chronicle.   


Exactly a week later the headlines for Buttar wouldn't read so well. He was accused of sexual harassment of an acquaintance from several years ago during his time in DC and to make matters worse, his former staffers accused Buttar of fostering an atmosphere of misogyny in his campaign. I've worked on this campaign because I believe this is an amazing chance to oust a powerful foe who's watched out for the corporate interests while people suffer.  The CARES Act was a pathetic attempt to help people that are struggling to survive in a time of economic uncertainty. Tens of millions of people are facing eviction and unemployment while the half-hearted CARES Act bailed out corporations to the tune of TRILLIONS.  Pelosi is portrayed as a progressive, but she's voted for the Patriot Act on multiple occasions, Bush and Trump tax cuts and military spending increases.  Her performative politics is great for talk show fodder, but her actions have made her nothing more than an courtier for corporate interests.  


I spoke with Shahid about the recent event that stand to derail what is one of the more important down ballot races in some time.  He spoke candidly and I appreciate that.  Wherever you stand on the issues, women MUST be heard. 


If you'd like to donate to the campaign do so here:


Nancy Pelosi Won't Debate Shahid article:


SF Chronicle Harassment article:


Intercept Article:


Shahid Buttar on Michael Brooks Show:


(RIP Michael Brooks)


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