Cyberpunk and Cyberdystopia w/ RU Siris and Doug Lain

There was once a time where information and communications technology were seen as having an emancipatory potential. To some in the 1980s and 1990s, we were on the verge of a techno-utopia. However, in recent years, this dream has turned to dust with the rise of big tech capitalism, algorithmic data collection, mass surveillance, and social media disinformation. What happen to the dream of a better tomorrow? Do we live in a cyber dystopia? And what are the prospects for emancipation from this freaky machine?

RU Sirius & Doug Lain

RU Sirius, futurist, cyberpunk, and former editor of Mondo 2000 joins with Douglas Lain, formerly associated with Zer0 Books, to talk about today's Cyber Dystopia and his upcoming book The Freaks in the Machine.

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The Dispatch on Zero Books (video essay series):  

Pascal Robert in Black Agenda Report:  


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Freaks in the Machine