In recent years, American Empire has increasingly faced criticism from across the political spectrum. Even as the Biden administration moves to terminate a generation-long war in Afghanistan, at least officially, the United States continues to maintain a vast overseas military presence. At the same time, it continues to intervene both directly and indirectly across a host of different theaters, from East Asia and Latin America to Africa and the Middle East. Although American political elites might disagree on specific aspects of imperial strategy, the notion that the United States has the moral right to exercise power overseas remains hegemonic. What explains this uniformity of opinion amongst political elites?
What is “imperialist realism”?
And what are the prospects for ending the empire?

About Daniel (from
Daniel Bessner currently holds the Joff Hanauer Honors Professorship in Western Civilization at the University of Washington. He is a member of the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies and was previously the Anne H.H. and Kenneth B. Pyle Associate Professor in American Foreign Policy. He is also a Non-Resident Fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and a Contributing Editor at Jacobin.

Daniel is an intellectual historian of U.S. foreign relations. He is the author of Democracy in Exile: Hans Speier and the Rise of the Defense Intellectual (Cornell, 2018), which you may order here.

He is also co-editor, with Nicolas Guilhot, of The Decisionist Imagination: Sovereignty, Social Science, and Democracy in the Twentieth Century (Berghahn, 2019).

Daniel has published scholarly articles in several journals and has also published pieces in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, n+1, and other venues.

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