The recent flare up in violence in Israel and the occupied territories has one again thrust the Palestinian question into the forefront of the global news cycle. Until recently spokespersons for the Israeli government as well as their supporters in the West have successfully sought to frame the conflict as a struggle against Palestinian terrorism. However, with this latest round of fighting that narrative seems to be breaking down. Even within mainstream American media, long since a bastion of pro-Israeli sentiment, voices critical of Israeli treatment of the Palestinians are increasingly being heard. Indeed, the terminology used by pro-Palestinian activists for decades -including terms such as settler colonialism and apartheid - are now gaining popular currency. What accounts for this shift? How far is it a product of decades of political activism? And what does this mean for the future of relations between Israel and the West?

About Professor Farag:
Joseph R. Farag is Assistant Professor of Arab Studies at the University of Minnesota. He holds a PhD from Queen Mary University of London where he served as Lecturer in Middle Eastern Literary Studies. Farag was a research fellow for Forum Transregionale Studien, affiliated with Freie Universität Berlin. His most recent publication, ‘Unacknowledged Pioneer: Gender, Nation, and Class in the Short Stories of Samīrah ʿAzzām’, appeared in Journal of Arabic Literature (Brill, 2014).

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