With large investments (Goldman Sachs One MIllion Black Women) in programs designed to create lessen the often talked about racial wealth gap can an emphasis on connecting Black entrepreneurs to large amounts of capital close that gap? Or will it simply enrich a burgeoning bourgeoisie class ?

We discuss this and more with Professor and host of the iMixWhatiLike podcast Jared Ball.

About Professor Ball:

Jared A. Ball is a father and husband. After that, he is a Professor of Communication Studies at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD. and is founder/curator of imixwhatilike.org, a multimedia hub of emancipatory journalism and revolutionary beat reporting. Ball is also author of The Myth and Propaganda of Black Buying Power (Palgrave, 2020)

You can find Professor Ball's podcast and more on Black Power Media here: https://www.youtube.com/results?searc...

You Can Find Professor Ball's Book, "The Myth and Propaganda of Black Buying Power" here: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783...


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Pascal Robert in Black Agenda Report:
