Hello, and thank you again for tuning in.  WE'RE AT EPISODE NUMBER 10! For the month of March, we're going to be discussing criminal justice reform with a bunch of guests from the public defenders office, to historians, and of course prison abolitionists.  

This week we have on luthier, and guitar tech Greg Day.  Greg works with everyone from Slayer, Faith No More, Rancid to Bitter Lake.  Greg is not just the man that helps us maintain our tone, he's one of the smartest, kindest people we know.  We share books, and thoughts on all things socialism, anarchism, and we are constantly giving our critique of capital.  So Greg was not too pleased when I told him to watch the new Netflix docuseries, "The Trial of Gabriel Fernandez".  In short, it's a six part series about the murder of an 8 year old boy by his mother and her boyfriend.  As the series progresses we see that breakdowns in the system led to the boy's untimely demise.  I wanted to use this story as a jumping off point for our criminal justice reform series. 


Thank you again for listening, we truly appreciate you guys and your comments on these shows, if you like the content you're getting, please, please, please become a patron.  You get ALL the bonus content, plus Bitter Lake merch and special live streams. Okay, here are the links:












Ruth Gilmore Is Prison Necessary NYT Article

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