If you've listened to the show in the last few episodes you've heard me marvel about this man's book Capitalism vs. Freedom, where Larson takes on the Neolibs/Libertarian icons arguing that that freeing the market isn't the bastion of freedom they claimed it to be.  In Larson's latest book, Bit Tyrants, Larson takes on Silicon Valley. From Haymarket Books:

"In this highly unauthorized account of the Big Five's origins, Rob Larson sets the record straight, and in the process shreds every focus-grouped bromide about corporate benevolence he could get his hands on. Those readers unwilling to smile and nod as every day we become more dependent on our phones and apps to do our chores, our jobs, and our socializing can take heart as Larson provides us with maps to all the shallow graves, skeleton filled closets, and invective laced emails Big Tech left behind on its ascent to power. His withering analysis will help readers crack the code of the economic dynamics that allowed these companies to become near-monopolies"


You can find Capitalism vs. Freedom Here

Pick up a copy of Bit Tyrants

Bill Gates Philanthropic Giving is a Racket

Atlas Staggers


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