Episode 12


In this episode we discuss the comparisons between the great failing of 31st President Herbert Hoover, who many feel responsible for the greatest financial tragedy in American history, and our current President Donald Trump.  The blunder of the Trump administration maybe the botched handling of the current coronavirus.  The president has constantly changed his stance on the virus, at one point even calling it a Democratic plot against him.  Lack of testing, coupled with lack of action have caused not just a major disruption in American life, but also a downturn in the stock market.  


Thank you guys for checking this out, we understand many of you may not be working and stuck at home, so this entire episode is free.  No bonus content this week.  If you can become a patron.  You'll get all the bonus content, concerts and SO MUCH MORE!!












Donald Trump is Having His Herbert Hoover Moment


Laurie Garret on Democracy Now!

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